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Complete PC Tuneup

Complete Pc Tuneup Service: $150

This Service includes: Virus Removal, Pc Tuneup, Software Installation up to 5 programs and PC Upgrades up to 3 hardware installed. (Hardware or Software not included**)

Time based

Time based Service: $30 for half hour or $50 hourly

Half hourly and Hourly based booking for general assistance whether that be setup, technical assistance etc.

Data Recovery

Data Recovery Service: $90

We will take your storage device and try to recover any data that has been lost. (We charge only if we can recover data)

Air Duster

Dust Removal Service: $15 for PC or $25 for Laptop

Internal dust removal of your computer with a compressed air duster.


Network Setup Service: $90

We will setup your modem/router, setup security and connect devices to the network.

Operating System

Operating System Install Service: $90

We will take your computer and repair or clean install your operating system.

PC Tuneup

PC Tuneup or Troubleshooting Service: $60

Basic troubleshooting of your computer and/or a basic speedup of your computer.

PC Upgrades

Pc Upgrade Service: 1 is $25 / Up To 5 is $75 / Up To 10 is $125

We will install parts inside of your computer. (Hardware not provided**)

Software Installation

Software Installation Service: 1 is $10 / Up To 5 is $30 / Up To 10 is $50

Installation of software on your computer. (Software not provided**)

Virus Removal

Virus Removal Service: $60

We will run our virus removal software and virus checking software on your computer and then check for any setting problems in your browser or computer.

*Prices may vary depending on the job difficulty or if travel is required.

**Can order parts or software at cost to you.